Thursday, May 15, 2008

Through Me To You

I am a woman of words. Thinking and speaking are hand in hand in me and my thoughts are not made solid until they are either spoken out loud or written on a page. The words I write come from a person that my friends and family know little of. The words I write come from a place too complicated for speech. The weaving of my inner reality is uncovered as I type revealing someone who is even a surprise to me most of the time. They pour from my heart in gentle waves and at other times, they crash and rage as a storming sea. I am a complicated woman and these words that I write are the relief valve that keeps the preasure of my inner turmoil steady and even. These are the words from my own psyche. Human words that entertain or educate; and work for good and for evil to all who may read them.

God has fashioned me as a woman of words. My passion and complexity, a part of His plan for me. How I have pleaded and yearned to be a quiet woman, a peaceful woman. How I have envied that gentle and quiet spirit that so many Christian woman seem to have. How I have struggled in my life with me and the pain my temperament brings down on me. I have cried out to God to change me! Change me! Change me! My Father quietly replies, "I have fashioned you to be who you are and not to be any other. The peace you desire comes only from me and it yours each time you write the words that are not your own but those that I lay upon your heart." These are the words that don't belong to me and words that don't come from my psyche but words that are blown into and through my heart. They are the words crafted from the pain of my sin and the glory of Jesus as He lives in me. They are the words that are like the continual prayers that mark the conversations with God, my Father, my Daddy that are mine through Jesus. These words that calm me, tether me, and change me as they gently fill me and quiet my spirit are the bread given me to also cast upon the water. These words that are of Jesus the Living Word are the bread that gives me life, eternal life, and can give life to an entire world. These words through me from God I cast upon the water to you.


Blogger Micah Hoover said...

In a sense it can truly be said that every individual is storing up treasure -the things which he or she finds value in. The question arises -and everyone must answer this question- whether or not this treasure really is their treasure. If they keep it hidden, locked up inside, if they are too embarrased to be seen with it or if -in a moment of confusion- they find themselves separated from it as though unsure they wished to have it, then it cannot truly be said to be their treasure.

I find it excellent and notable that you are able to bring the things inside you out. Of course, no one one earth is able to know if this is truly what is within you, but this is perfectly clear to you and if it is real then it is to your delight. The good man takes the good things inside him and shares it with those around him, he doesn't hide it under a bowl.

I know something of what it is like to envy those who are truly quiet and feel no need to be heard by anyone. They often let their faces and their actions express where their gladness is. There is something wonderful about those people. More importantly we ought to follow Christ's example and accept ourselves the way we are. If we have a lot to say, it does not mean that we must babble or -if we are deceived- think that we will be heard because of our many words. God sends the Spirit without limit. He has required us and enabled us to speak as though we were speaking His words.

So whether or not we have many things to say, we ought to carefully consider the way Christ spoke and speak the words of life as he prepares us. If they are words that build up and encourage our brothers, is this not to the credit of the One who has blessed us with His thoughts? This is a blessing I have seen in you, JoyIndestructible, and I thank God for the chance to read your words.

Thursday, 15 May, 2008  
Blogger Micah Hoover said...

PS - my favorite part is:

"I have fashioned you to be who you are and not to be any other. The peace you desire comes only from me and it yours each time you write the words that are not your own but those that I lay upon your heart"

That is just like something God would say.

Thursday, 15 May, 2008  
Blogger Gigi said...

the why I keep coming back....words than encourage and challenge always.

Friday, 16 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi BB,

It has been hard won by God for me to begin to accept mayself as He made me. Even this was a part of His plan for me. It is His plan for you too whan He pressures you to speak. He is glorified in those who are quiet and gentle and also in those He has fashioned as a mouthpiece. I can always express myself that is never hard for me but writing my own cleverly crafted words does not bless me in the way that I am blessed when I simply relax and write the words of that small still voice as it whispers to me. This is not special to me but a gift given to all Christians. God speaks to us through Jesus and it is to be shared with others in the particular way that He has made in each of us. I am blessed by you too, BB.

Becky, we all need encouragement and your sweet comment is also an encouragement to me and to BB, I am sure. Nice to meet you.:0)

(I keep forgetting to sign in before I comment. I am really not very anonymous but in a way, it is fun to pretend!)


Friday, 16 May, 2008  

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