Living In The U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America)
Today, I am sad for my country. She has been betrayed by immoral men in high places, even by those who have sworn, on the Bible, to protect her. These men have sworn with their hand on what is only a book to them to protect a country through a governmental system that was designed for a moral people. America's greatness has always been in the goodness of her people. America has ceased to be good and America has ceased to be great. We are falling according to our own immorality as decadence and greed seem set to consume us.
Our capitalist financial system is systematically being socialized in the name of protecting us from a crisis that was induced by two socialistic lending entities within our government. They are, of course, Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac. The condition of these two government entities, developed as a means to help people who can't afford their own home to own them, is a prophecy of what our own country will look like when our treasonous leaders are done with the new 'protections' they are enacting in the name of protecting the American taxpayer. Socialism is not natural to the human spirit; even though its altruism is attractive to many, it does not deliver what it promises for it is a haven for corrupt bureaucrats. Socialism will choke down and kill the entrepreneurial spirit of America. That very spirit by which much of the world has also grown rich. It will also kill the remarkable charity that has long set America apart from other nations and those poor and struggling nations will no longer have America to petition when they are in crisis.
I am watching my dreams for retirement vanish before my eyes as the Dow plunges; but that is not the full measure of my sadness. As I watch these, not only immoral but also amoral, men spend astronomical amounts of money that we do not have and much of which is being borrowed from China, I see the American people being sold into bondage. Many generations into the future will be carrying this unprecedented tax burden. Our leaders have put us in the position of being beholden to a country that despises us. We are being auctioned off in the name of world economic soundness and our freedom is being sacrificed for the new world government that is beginning to emerge and become visible. Our destiny as a people is being decided by special counsels and treaties that are outside of our own legislative control. The voice of the people, that was ignored a few weeks ago in the implementing of this bill that will forever change our free-market system, will soon no longer be heard. In my lifetime, I have seen us go from a democracy within a republic to a democracy that is now fading into the socialized democracy of Europe. It is my opinion, that this mild recession has been creshendoed purposely into this imminent crisis for the very purpose of melding the United States into this new world order of not only a globalized economy but also a globalized government.
Today, the Bush administration is discussing how to buy stock in banks or even how to buy banks outright. It is not a far leap for any Christian student of the Bible to make the connection of also having to receive some sort of biometric tattoo to be able to access bank accounts that are controlled by the government. It is easy for those in Christ to respond to what is happening with fear but God does not give us a spirit of fear. Fear is what the enemy uses to hold people in bondage and in Christ, we are no longer in bondage to our sin or to the fear that accompanies suffering by the sin of others. When we fear God, the enemy has no hold over us.
Dear fellow Christians, do not fear that which the world fears. Do not give the government and the corrupt men and women who are presently wielding the governmental power over us the power to make us weak in spirit. Trust in God and abide in Him and He will make us fearless and enable us to endure and emerge victorious over all that the enemy has set in place to destroy us. Cling to Jesus and trust Him to guide us one day at a time. Even if we are in deep mourning for our country that was blessed by God for so many years, we will not be brought down with her for we have joy in Jesus that nothing can take from us that will keep us from being crushed with sorrow. We must pray continuously without ceasing, holding up to God those remaining good men and women who love God and also serve our country. Also pray for the salvation of corrupt leaders and the cleansing of their evil hearts. Pray that our nation would turn back to the God Who has blessed us for so long. Pray that we would turn from our sin even to the point of the slaughter of innocent babies through abortion coming to a halt not through legislation but through the changed hearts of the people. Today is the day of Atonement for the Jews. Let us also, as Christians grafted into Israel through faith in Christ Jesus, take our sins to God that we might be cleansed and function as light and salt in this very dark time. Pray for a spirit of repentance to sweep across our country that God might have mercy upon us and heal our land. Pray to end abortion and pray for the peace of Israel.
Our capitalist financial system is systematically being socialized in the name of protecting us from a crisis that was induced by two socialistic lending entities within our government. They are, of course, Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac. The condition of these two government entities, developed as a means to help people who can't afford their own home to own them, is a prophecy of what our own country will look like when our treasonous leaders are done with the new 'protections' they are enacting in the name of protecting the American taxpayer. Socialism is not natural to the human spirit; even though its altruism is attractive to many, it does not deliver what it promises for it is a haven for corrupt bureaucrats. Socialism will choke down and kill the entrepreneurial spirit of America. That very spirit by which much of the world has also grown rich. It will also kill the remarkable charity that has long set America apart from other nations and those poor and struggling nations will no longer have America to petition when they are in crisis.
I am watching my dreams for retirement vanish before my eyes as the Dow plunges; but that is not the full measure of my sadness. As I watch these, not only immoral but also amoral, men spend astronomical amounts of money that we do not have and much of which is being borrowed from China, I see the American people being sold into bondage. Many generations into the future will be carrying this unprecedented tax burden. Our leaders have put us in the position of being beholden to a country that despises us. We are being auctioned off in the name of world economic soundness and our freedom is being sacrificed for the new world government that is beginning to emerge and become visible. Our destiny as a people is being decided by special counsels and treaties that are outside of our own legislative control. The voice of the people, that was ignored a few weeks ago in the implementing of this bill that will forever change our free-market system, will soon no longer be heard. In my lifetime, I have seen us go from a democracy within a republic to a democracy that is now fading into the socialized democracy of Europe. It is my opinion, that this mild recession has been creshendoed purposely into this imminent crisis for the very purpose of melding the United States into this new world order of not only a globalized economy but also a globalized government.
Today, the Bush administration is discussing how to buy stock in banks or even how to buy banks outright. It is not a far leap for any Christian student of the Bible to make the connection of also having to receive some sort of biometric tattoo to be able to access bank accounts that are controlled by the government. It is easy for those in Christ to respond to what is happening with fear but God does not give us a spirit of fear. Fear is what the enemy uses to hold people in bondage and in Christ, we are no longer in bondage to our sin or to the fear that accompanies suffering by the sin of others. When we fear God, the enemy has no hold over us.
Dear fellow Christians, do not fear that which the world fears. Do not give the government and the corrupt men and women who are presently wielding the governmental power over us the power to make us weak in spirit. Trust in God and abide in Him and He will make us fearless and enable us to endure and emerge victorious over all that the enemy has set in place to destroy us. Cling to Jesus and trust Him to guide us one day at a time. Even if we are in deep mourning for our country that was blessed by God for so many years, we will not be brought down with her for we have joy in Jesus that nothing can take from us that will keep us from being crushed with sorrow. We must pray continuously without ceasing, holding up to God those remaining good men and women who love God and also serve our country. Also pray for the salvation of corrupt leaders and the cleansing of their evil hearts. Pray that our nation would turn back to the God Who has blessed us for so long. Pray that we would turn from our sin even to the point of the slaughter of innocent babies through abortion coming to a halt not through legislation but through the changed hearts of the people. Today is the day of Atonement for the Jews. Let us also, as Christians grafted into Israel through faith in Christ Jesus, take our sins to God that we might be cleansed and function as light and salt in this very dark time. Pray for a spirit of repentance to sweep across our country that God might have mercy upon us and heal our land. Pray to end abortion and pray for the peace of Israel.
Hi Joyindestructible,
The crises was not caused by two socialistic lending entities. People were being paid by the amount of sub-prime loans they could sign up, the structure of the loan system (especially the honeymoon rates, and that when a loan defaults the borrowers is able to keep all their assets) is horrible, the loans were being repackaged over and over as credit agencies gave them AAA+ security ratings, and investment banks were speculating future house prices to an insane degree. That isn't socialism, it's the unregulated free market collapsing into itself due to colossal greed on the part of private institutions.
The bail-out package will not kill entrepreneurial spirit, in fact it will allow it to survive. If the credit market collapses, which it is likely to do so if the Government does nothing, then everyday people and small businesses will not be able to take out loans and invest, or even to meet payroll. Unemployment will likely rise to an insane degree, and noone will be able to do any entrepreneuring as they won't have the means or resources to do so.
The cost will likely only be short-term, they should be able to recoup at least half of the money (probably much more than half) from the loans themselves. Of course, it is a tragedy that investments are being torn to shreds by the ever tumbling stock market.
I don't share or even understand the idea that this is connected to some world Government. They are taking over assets in the financial system from companies who proved that they are not capable of making decisions that benefit society. Although it's a horrible reality, it has to be done, and it sounds right to me. Similarly, there is a huge leap between this and biometric tatoos to access bank accounts.
I don't understand why you blame Government for all of this. Sure, the Democrats made things worse by wanting poor people to own houses, and sure the republicans made things even worse by constantly pushing to deregulate all of the markets, but at the end of the day the problem was with the CEO's and the corrupt financial theory which undergirded these greedy companies from screwing themselves, and in the process everyone else, over.
I also understand how you can be opposed to abortion and yet believe that America has been blessed by God for so long? It's foreign policies and wars kill alive babies in other countries all the time. I also think it's important not to let eschatology cloud the morality of the Israeli/Arab conflict. For every one Jewish civilian who is killed, there is 10-30 palestinian/lebanese civilians who are killed.
Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are not solely responsible but it is where the problem began. During Clinton's time in office, they began pressuring lenders to lend to people who could not qualify. During this time also, there were people running these governmental entities (which are socialist by nature as they give money taken from those who have earned it,in the form of taxation, and give it to those who have not)who became beyond wealthy while working for the government. (Barrack Obama, himself, has made over $200,000. in his short two year term in the Senate from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.)
The 'bail out' is pure socialism in that it enables government to own private property. Now they want to extend that to also owning a stake in our private banking system or even the outright ownership of banks. This goes completely against the way our free market has traditionally functioned. A depression (which we are a long way from as unemployment is on 6% and during the depression it was 25%)is a horrible thing but I don't want to give up my freedom to prevent it. I don't think it will help anyway since our taxes will be so high and will so overburden the dollar as to make it nearly worthless.
If you think there is no global governance of our global economy then you need to do some reading but it does not take much reading to see who the powers that do govern that economy are. The Counsel of Foreign Relations is a big one in deciding policy of the U.S. and other countries. They play a huge role in NAFTA and CAFTA and often go to Europe for advice from Javier Solana. (If you don't know who he is you can learn about him by going to the EU websight or his own websight) Condoleeza Rice meets with him often and some of the ideas in the works that come directly from him, as the mind behind the creation of the EU, are also being considered to be implemented in North and South America. The plan is to first unite us economically through trade treaties such as NAFTA and CAFTA and then implement a common currency called the Amero. They would also like to erase our borders and devide us according to economic units. This is one reason that our border laws have been ignored in recent years (and this is also occuring in Europe)as when NAFTA was first put into effect, George Bush Sr. promised the Mexican government that they would have a share in American jobs and wealth. That is why Mexico has inverted many of its laws to help the people work in the U.S. and send money home to Mexico. (One example is their laws regarding duel citizenship.)All of this is being done with little awareness of it by the American people. It is not really a matter of Democratic and Conservative either as recent presidents from both sides have all been trilateralists and much of this is brought about by the left and the right having a common purpose in the creation of a world economy and a system of governance to guide it by according to trilateral philosophy.
I agree that it is greed that has caused the present 'crisis' but rich people are not the only ones who suffer from this sin. Poor people who think the rich owe them their existence are just as greedy. The people who bought homes they knew they could not afford were just as greedy as those who made the shady loans to them. Government fat-cats are just as much at fault as the fat-cats on Wall Street. However, I expect Wall Street to have fat-cats but I deplore Government fat-cats. Socialism ( democrats in the U.S. are now largely socialist in ideology and practice)is a haven for Government fat-cats. Socialism does not exist without its elites who grow rich on the backs of the people while making promises to them that tempt their own greed and desire for an easy ride.
I am a dispensationalist and I believe that scripture is literal and scripturally discerned and that it is a history of God's people in the past, present, and future. Bible prophecy does depict such a global government (which there have been empires all through history but the one emerging now will not be an empire in the sense of one more powerful nation ruling over the rest of the world but will have many heads). I'm sure you are aware of the mark of the beast and beasts in the Bible are symbolic of human governments. This mark is some kind of governmental mark that enables one to buy and sell. Also, it is said that the mark is 666 and that it is the number of a man. In Ezra chapter one, the meaning of 'the number of a man' is made clear as in Hebrew thought it is the number of living decendents that one living patriarch has. I don't know how that fully relates in regard to who that man will be but I do know that he will be a ruler who is also worshiped, as in the original Babylon, and will have power to bring the world under his sway (Hitler was the shadow of such a man). Not many years ago, it was hard to understand what the mark would be and many have developed symbolic reasoning regarding it. However, I believe that it is literal and that mark could very easily be accomplished with today's technology. A cashless society is widely touted and a personal mark on one's hand would be very convenient. However, theives would probably not always balk at cutting of hands to steal money but cutting someones head off might be going too far for most so a mark on the forhead would also be logical.
It is politically correct to hate the Jews these days and that is no more prevelent than in the U.N. Escatology does not cloud my view of the conflict. There is one side that continually cries out for the complete genocide of the other and hates the U.S. because of the historical nature of our relationship with Israel. These people are of a world view of complete global domination and the death of all who do not believe as they do. I could not be a Christian if it were not for the Jews as Jesus was a Jew. Biblically, I am a part of God's family which was established first in the Jews and my beliefs are Judeo/Christian. The Bible teaches that we should pray for the peace of Israel which I believe to be their acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah not in part but the whole nation. This is not a political prayer. I think murdering unborn children is dispicable as well as murdering children who have already been born. I am not a warrior but war has at times, been necessary. I look forward to the day when swords will be pounded into plowshares but that will be a world under the direct rulership of Christ and not during this present age. As long as humans govern one another, there will be wars and the U.S. is no more guilty of this than any other nation. In fact, it is the global community that has put Americans in the position of being global police. This is not a job that appeals to many Americans but it does appeal to the global powers that be, as long as it is carried out under their direction. It is only when we rise to defend ourselves that we are berated for killing the innocent. If it is at the behest of the EU then it is globally acceptable (except for those being bombed, of course).
I think this reply is longer than my original post. Thank you for putting up my being overly verbose as well as my spelling (I've a new computer and I still need to enable the spellchecker).
Hi again Timothy,
I said that I believe scripture is literal and scripturely discerned,when what I meant to say was spiritually discerned. However, I also believe that scripture interprets scripture and an overview of scripture is built over time as one portion unlocks a deeper meaning within another portion. This is the way in which Biblical prophecy is understood. It is also good to have some knowlege of history and Hebrew thought. Anyway, that is the way I approach the study of scripture and I hope that helps you understand my point of view. Also, peace in Israel also means peace on earth for many Christians as it is the recognition of Jesus as Messiah by the Jews that will usher in the Mellinial rule of Christ. This is not a political prayer or a prayer that makes the suffering of one group of people more important than another group but a prayer of peace for the entire world.
The Murder of America, or how we became the USSA
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