
If human beings have complete freedom in regard to the extent that they value their own lives, why is it so many people view their lives to be worthless?
A group of activists assembled to protest a bull fight. They chanted and booed and waved signs, but many thought to themselves, 'Ah! If only I were to lay my life down like the brave matador!' The matador saw the protestors, and even though he flourished his estoque and waved his cape vigorously, he thought, 'If only I had the principles to stand for something like these protestors.'
The lowest attenders, the crowd, praised the matador while at the same time feeling smugly superior to the cruel animal killer.
Greatness is the ability to dig beneath the many layers of superficiality and pull out treasures buried deep below.
The curse of every top-down system is the way little blessings get overlooked.
If you want to succeed in entertainment, you have to be ready to make a fool of yourself. If you want to succeed in Christianity, you have to be ready to be cursed, despised, and killed.
In the nation where people eat abstract food everyone starves to death.
The two young men found themselves suddenly in a dimly lit cookout, surrounded by young men and women in their early twenties. Everyone was laughing, some haughtily, some nervously, and others almost seemed to laugh like they were in a tremendous amount of suffering.
The two men saw a bright light in the distance and began walking toward it. As they approached it, they noticed the light was coming from a gate that appeared to be open. Their bodies almost appeared to change slowly: as if they were becoming younger. As they were just about to peer into the gate they looked at each other and noticed they looked as if they were about to turn six years old.
"I can't be seen this way." Said the one young man.
"Me neither. Let's go back to the party."
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