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A certain Hollywood actor made a name for himself playing biographic roles of famous people. The studios were won over by his talent, but when he was approached to play himself in a film about his own life he replied, "That is the one character I have no wish to play!"
Do idiots go to swim with crocodiles? No, not even idiots do that. Even idiots are full of schemes and calculation, and they stay away from the swamps were the crocodiles lurk. The only people who go to find the crocodiles are scientists and those who have given up on life.
Plato and Diogenes went to the supermart together. As they were strolling down the aisle Plato saw Diogenes look at some cereal on the top shelf, and so he asked him, "Diogenes, tell me: is it better to have a long ladder or a short one?"
"You appear to have some ready answer." Replied Diogenes.
Brushing his observation aside, Plato told Diogenes that with a longer ladder you can reach higher and grab higher objects. Plato moved a store ladder to the cereal and climbed it -going up much higher than he needed to reach the cereal. "... And ... you will be closer to the gods."
As Plato finished his words he flourished a smile, but the smile disappeared quickly as the ladder tilted and he fell -crashing to the ground.
Diogenes found a stool down the aisle, moved it beside the ladder, and grabbed the box of cereal easily. Then he noted to Plato that low chairs are more sturdy because they are the closest thing to keeping your feet on the ground. "... And ... perhaps the God has come down to dwell among us."
If you're okay with a superficial salavation, then go ahead and lead a superficial life!
Do idiots go to swim with crocodiles? No, not even idiots do that. Even idiots are full of schemes and calculation, and they stay away from the swamps were the crocodiles lurk. The only people who go to find the crocodiles are scientists and those who have given up on life.
Do not be eager in your heart to be angry,
For anger resides in the bosom of fools.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Plato and Diogenes went to the supermart together. As they were strolling down the aisle Plato saw Diogenes look at some cereal on the top shelf, and so he asked him, "Diogenes, tell me: is it better to have a long ladder or a short one?"
"You appear to have some ready answer." Replied Diogenes.
Brushing his observation aside, Plato told Diogenes that with a longer ladder you can reach higher and grab higher objects. Plato moved a store ladder to the cereal and climbed it -going up much higher than he needed to reach the cereal. "... And ... you will be closer to the gods."
As Plato finished his words he flourished a smile, but the smile disappeared quickly as the ladder tilted and he fell -crashing to the ground.
Diogenes found a stool down the aisle, moved it beside the ladder, and grabbed the box of cereal easily. Then he noted to Plato that low chairs are more sturdy because they are the closest thing to keeping your feet on the ground. "... And ... perhaps the God has come down to dwell among us."
If you're okay with a superficial salavation, then go ahead and lead a superficial life!
I think with all that is going on in the world and particularly in America that it will become much harder to be a Christian and superficial Christians will disappear. I sure don't want that to be me but I know I struggle every day with being really mad at something our politicians are doing. I pray God keeps a handle on me and keeps me from getting too distracted by it. I've never been through anything like this before and it is hard.
Hi Joy,
I've had the same thought about the superficial Christians disappearing, but the question about whether you or I may be one of them is something I haven't considered in relation to that observation. You have an important reflection here.
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