The more effecient the world becomes at grouping together, the faster they go over the edge.

The way learning how to win is different from learning how to find value.

The way our disguises meant to fool others often leave us unable to understand ourselves, and we become deceived.
I read this and all I can think of is congress. I'm pooped though and I don't know if that is because it is such a dead ringer for the behavior there or it's just because all I can think about is congress...
I've never seen anything like this mess going on, BB. It has so shock and awed me that I've gotten away from my Bible study and meditation. I should be spiritually drained but God is so good. He knows how hard it is for me to see this happening to my country, that He has blessed me to live in all these years, and He stays so near to me ready to comfort me when I need Him most even when I've taken no time for Him at all. He is an awesome God, BB truly, unbelieveably good to those who love Jesus. He even loves all those jerks in congress when I can't. Now if they'd just turn to Him...
That is such a great response. I've been in the same funk. I've been thinking about all these political things (i.e. worrying about all these political things) and it's like God is asking me, "How are you going to change this by worrying about it?". Sometimes I'm afraid life is passing me by.
We love the country that He blessed us with and we are vexed by these very unusual times. If there were no righteousness in us, we could blow it off but Jesus lives in us and such wickedness is vexing. We both have little ones in our lives and we care about the world we are leaving them.
God has said to me that America, the America that I love is a spirit held within the hearts of her people. It can't be enacted or enforced but only upheld by God. I will fight for my country but we also need to remember to pray for her and trust in God's Mercy when we are frightened and feel that our country is doomed.
Let's pray for Americans to turn back to God that His blessings continue. Everything stinks right now but God is good.
Good counsel, Joy. Let us pray for the people in this nation as God moves and works and shapes individuals from within. Praise God for the way he generously blesses people with the joy of His prescence during uncertain and ugly conditions.
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