
Years ago I met an older man who recalled to me that he once discovered a note attached to the back of a tree in a cemetary.
The note told a story which had been found in a book of myths, from some distant place a long time ago. According to the story, the book of myths was based on some fourth-hand legends which might have been started by pilgrims visiting an inn in the city, which had originally begun as a goat farm.
According to the account, there was once a great empire on the face of the earth. They built tall buildings, harvested large amounts of food, and they had powerful rulers.
The construction workers built their buildings out of clay, mortar, and brick. In every building, they also mixed in a large portion of wormwood, although no one could feel it in the walls or flooring.
And the entertainers came with their elaborate productions. They put on dances, plays, and operas. The characters they portrayed were full of mirth and villainy and wormwood, although no one could see the wormwood on the stage.
The rulers were very powerful and controlled their armies to keep invaders away. Their battles were full of many victories, a few losses, and they were also full of wormwood, which no one could hear during the battles.
Their empire grew in strength, power, culture, beauty, might, and the wormwood flew through its rivers and language and history.
The citizens of the empire were themselves full of wormwood. Although they could not sense it, they knew it was there all along. They knew they what they were dwelling with, the wormwood they personally carried, and they began to die by the thousands.
As the empire was about it enter its golden age, darkness fell across the land, and the people began to vacate the largest cities. In the final years, wolves roamed the streets of the towns and the fields turned into barrenness.
The book of myths has been lost, and the pilgrims no longer pass by this city. The goats have taken over the land where the inn once stood, and the tree in the cemetery has fallen over. The old man who explained everything to me has passed away.
If I had kept quiet about the empire, no one would know it once stood here. The people who once claimed their land to be the greatest was the land consumed with wormwood -the land that decayed, the land that was totally forgotten.
I see this happening in our country too and I forsee the "greatest nation on earth" not falling with a bang, but simply vanishing with not much more than a whimper from her citizenry. Wormwood is consuming us and that is no more evident than in the daily spectacle of evil that our government puts on every day. God gives us the leaders we deserve and in this representative form of government that we have been allowed to enjoy for so long, our leaders are very much a reflection of the people they govern. Our only hope is in the people recognizing what is destroying us, the wormwood of sin that is corruption, turning away from that sin and corruption, and turning to God.
May God bless and protect you and your little family in the coming year, BB. May He also keep you and yours safe on this night that is a celebration of Wormwood. Instead of taking part in this corrupt celebration, let us gree the new year on our knees in repentance of our own sins while also begging God to bring our nation to repentance, as well.
Umm, that's 'greet' the new year...I really must edit before I hit publish...
No political establishment -despite its various successes- can grant life to its citizenry. Technology has merely distracted us from the death which oozes out from within us.
May God bless you as well, Joy. Btw, do you have a particular thing against New Year's Eve or is it more like holidays in general?
LOL!---Well, I like Thanksgiving.:0)
Truly, I never liked holidays when I was a kid because I grew up in a family plauged with alchohol and holidays were just drunk days and New Years is All Drunks Day;-}(I'm sure it is very different if one is raised in a God fearing home.)I much prefer a quiet New Years Eve with Jesus to what most others are doing on that night.
As a mom, holidays were difficult because I'm not healthy. I had a hard enough time keeping up and all the expectations on moms for Christmas was really too much on top of the bad memories from my childhood. When I was in my 40's is when I started learning about the Pagan practices that were Christianized (Henry Ironsides goes into this at length in his commentary on Revelation) and then traditionalized around Christmas and Easter and it caused me to start to consider from the point of Christ in my life, what was the important thing for me to do on these days. Then my husband and I were broadsided by Paganism in a way that is too hard to explain here but we tried loving these kids and witnessing to them and we began to learn what Christmas trees etc. meant to them. Really, BB, they are meat sacrificed to idols and they have no power in and of themselves but they confuse young people who have been pulled into Pagan religions or hurt by these religions. Also, I expect there will be many Pagan young people who will come to Christ and I know that when they do it will be hard on them around the holidays and to have such things as trees, etc. in the church really isn't a good thing. That is why I have done my best to cut Pagan symbols from my life. I want my testimony to be crystal clear and not muddied by traditons that aren't that important to me anyway.
Sooo...around the middle of April, you will hear me saying, Happy Resurection Day! but the word (name really) Easter won't pass my lips. Of course, I need resurrection every day so every day is a day to be happy about the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
I'm also interested in the Jewish feasts and holy days even though, I don't think they are necessary for me as a Gentile. However, every one of them is a celebration of Jesus Christ and I think making them a part of my life might be enriching (as long as I don't have to cook!) but I really don't know how to do that, at this point. If it is something God wants in my life, He'll make a way.
I'm a complicated woman, BB. Ask my husband. I love Jesus and I have Biblical morals but the only thing very traditional about me is my marriage. I hope I haven't disappointed you.
Hmm, okay. We'll have to make thanksgivings extra big at meredevotion.com. Women are better suited to complexity than men, I think. It makes them more fair. Spiritual love, of course, is not more masculine or feminine ... it is that quiet inner voice inside that surpasses all our roles and yet speaks to us in them.
Thanks for the clarification. It helps me understand a lot more where you're coming from. As much as I disagree with you on the holidays, Happy Resurrection Day does have a ring to it ... it's less arcane than 'Easter'. I suppose it takes longer to say, though ...
Hey BB,
It takes training to respond with Happy Resurrection Day and your nonchristian friends and kin may be taken back a bit but it is what the day is supposed to be about.:0)
As far as disagreeing with me, that's okay because we are bound together in Christ and you can never get rid of me! lol! I'll try not to be so disagreeable that you want to.
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