The people who speak the kindest to animals are always the ones who are trying to eat them.
Tom and Angela managed to find the treasure soon after they entered the dragon's cave. Angela grabbed a couple of coins from the pile, but Tom quickly grabbed the large ingots of gold.

"What if the dragon returns?" Asked Angela. "You won't be able to make a good exit if you are weighed down by all of that!" But Tom filled his pockets with treasure.
The dragon soon returned and discovered some of the treasure was missing. Moments later, Angela and Tom saw the dragon running after them.
"Drop the treasure or the dragon will eat you, and then you won't be able to enjoy anything!" Yelled Angela.
"Well ... I think that somehow I'll be okay." Said Tom, as he began climbing the tree. Angela started climbing a tree also.
Tom was not able to climb the tree very quickly. "Drop the treasure!" Angela shouted. "You're going to be eaten!" The dragon was already beginning to climb up the tree.
Suddenly, a large brick of gold slipped out of Tom's pocket and fell down through the branches. It struck the dragon's head at such speed that dragon fell all the way down and stopped moving.
Angela and Tom climbed down the tree. Tom picked up the fallen brick of gold and continued down the path back home. He learned his treasure was highly valuable and was able to buy many things that he liked. Angela learned that her coin was made of bronze and threw it into the river.
Barbs and jest do not a secure footing make.
How tragic that during the French Revolution it was the very committee responsible for public safety that took it upon itself to send ordinary citizens to the guiliteen for mere trifles.
The theologian laughed and said, "Is that all? I have a thousand verses to refute such a measley temptation." And he recited a thousand verses word-perfect from one to a thousand. Then he said to the unclean spirit, "You see what I have accomplished? Christ responded to tempation with a single verse and I have provided a thousand verses. How I have surpassed him!" Of course, the verses meant nothing to him personally, and the unclean spirit never left.
Blessed are those whom God fashions as examples of life.
The girls surrounded the boy. "I heard you were color blind."
"Yes, it is as you say." Said the boy.
"So how can you enjoy the colors of the rainbow?" Asked one girl.
"Or see the beauty of the sunset?" Asked another girl.
"Or ever manage to dress yourself?" Asked a third girl, snickering.
"I have been spared from the vain life of doting on appearances. Everything for me is in black and white. The things I see are important to me or they are nothing."
The girls laughed at him, but years later one of the girls recounted the incident and became terrified.
The government worker set down his paper work and whispered to his coworker, "I mourn over the fact that my European ancestors spent their time going into the forest to worship dark gods. These gods promised the world, but all they did was laugh among each other at their oppression over the desperate people who came to them for crops and children."
The other government work paused and asked, "What were the names of those dark gods?"
The other man replied, "I don't know. If I had a guess, I would say Signs and Assurances."