Friday, August 08, 2008

Power Raining Down

I followed my desire
To the depths of my own depravity.
Crumpled, broken, and hopeless,
I quivered and quaked
at the very gate of Sheol.

Oh! Wonder!
The Son of God came down
and there in that terrible place,
I met Him,
As He met me.

He taught me His Name:
And He told me
to believe in that Name.
This being the Name
that the Father gave to Him.
Do not doubt the Power of it!

Behold! The miracle!
All that my sin had laid waste and made hollow
in me, was filled with His Life!
As I reached for the Hand
that first reached down to me.
I, I! was lifted up!
Lifted from the quagmire
of my wrong desire.

Given God's Power,
each time I speak that Holy Name,
I shout!
I feel the Power raining down,
Filling my new heart with His Desire.
That right Desire,
The Desire that none should perish,
but that all men be brought to repentance;
and every knee bow at the Name of, Jesus!
As He, Only, is recognized as Saviour and Lord.

This is the true Love sent
By He Who is Love.
That those Who deserve only destruction,
might be saved,
by God's Power, clothed in Mercy;
His Mercy in long-suffering towards us all.
This is the substance of His Grace;
This Love and Mercy in the Person
Of His, Only, Begotten Son, Jesus!
This Son,
the embodiment of Righteousness
and the King
of all who call upon
His Name;
Will someday,
at His full revelation,
rule over all men;
the living and the dead.
For though He died,
He still lives;
Thereby, He has become
The Lord of the living
and the dead.

Even the gates of Hades
will not prevail
against Christ and His Church!

Rejoice! You who are broken,
You who are weary,
And can no longer find hope
within yourself;
This is the hour of your Salvation!
Reach for the Hand of Jesus!
As He now is reaching down to you!
There is hope in no other.
But even in the whisper of that
Holy Name, there is the Power,
to create you anew,
by His Spirit
from the very ashes
of your life ruined in sin.

At the whisper of that Name,
Satan must flee
and demons bow down;
To make Way for King Jesus!
As He takes the thrown,
in your once wicked heart,
Made clean by the
Power of His Life,
The Only Sinless Life,
That He willingly laid down,
For you and for me;
And then He took it up again!
And liberally, He pours His Spirit into
Those who are called by His Name!
In Him, they will eternally live!

Rejoice! Give glory to God!
A Way has been made for us
In Christ!
The Way is simple and sure.
The Way is Jesus!
Be lifted by the Power
Of His Name!
And though, you may at times,
still stumble,
being led astray by
wrong headed human desire;
Don't forget as you travel,
The Name,
That constant Power,
That promises,always, to lift you,
Again to the Father,
Until, one day,
He takes you home;
To that glorious and eternal place
where sin
is remembered no more.

Let God's Power
Forever, rain down!


Blogger Micah Hoover said...

Thanks for sharing that, JoyIndestructible. God bless you for your faith. You are able to consider the weight of what you deserve and still believe that God intends good for you and not evil.

Both times I read it I was reminded of Paul's words: 'He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.'

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008  
Blogger joyindestructible said...

Amen! Yes, He has and that is the wonder of it! May that wonder fill us anew each morning and keep our faith fresh as on the day we were first reborn.:0)

Thursday, 14 August, 2008  

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