Do Not Conform

I recently found a poster at an online store. The poster displayed a barcode running horizontally through the center. Below the barcode were the words: "Do Not Conform".
The poster resonated with me, but I wasn't sure why. Eventually I remembered the passage in Romans 12.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -his good, pleasing, and perfect will."
A lingering theme of both the Old and the New Testament is the message that God wants His people to be set apart.
"Be holy, because I am holy."
Holiness is a measure of how 'set apart' a thing is.
Certainly there are a number of ways a person can be set apart. In one way of looking at it a person could stand out by doing evil deeds. People throughout history have taken this position, the most noteworthy is probably Niechtze who said in order to stand out one must in effect become a criminal.
On the same side with a different message, Charles Dickens' novels often critiqued those who were set apart because he considered it unusual to see a truly evil person such as Ebeneezer Scrooge. C.S. Lewis' ethics in Mere Christianity follow a similar pattern.
Sometimes I wonder about the world Lewis, Niechtze, and Dickens discribe. It sounds in many ways like an almost-heaven: where most people are angels, think good thoughts about each other, where people give themselves and others the benefit of the doubt, where they do not merely conceptualize standards but actually live them. It sounds like quite a place!
But the Scriptures teach that everyone has sinned -that no one is righteous -that if anyone says he is without sin he is a liar.
To glimpse of just how set apart God wants His servants to be, consider the fact that Christ commanded his disciples to be perfect. When I reflect on my attitudes, my ingratitude, my double-mindedness and recall that Christ has called me to be literally perfect, my obligations seem to be very set apart.
In one sense the command to be "set apart" means to not behave as the world behaves with its lusts and boasts and cravings. In another sense it means to not base our priorities on the choices of the people around us.
If a person is to truly have a relationship with God, he must not seek that relationship because his parents were Christians or because he wants to win the approval of others or because it seems to be what "everyone is doing".
And this is precisely what God is looking for when he searches the hearts of men: mere devotion. Devotion comes from the word "devoted". The more devoted a person is in regard to something, the more his interest in the pursuit becomes independent of everything else going on around him.
For example Shadrach, Meshach, and Abindigo's devotion meant their love for God was independent of what the King of Persia decreed. In this way Christ commands his followers to be independent in regard to obeying God. When the crowds bowed before Nebaudchunezzar they were the only ones standing and they were set apart.
Often in periods of trial and during the good times it becomes desirable to have a companion. To this extent Christ has given believers his body, the Church. But this is not to say our obligation to be set apart grows and shrinks on the basis of the people who claim to be in the Church.
Certainly Shadrach was glad and proud of his God that his companions did not bow to the Persian leader, but this is not to say he was only willing to obey God as long as his companions obeyed. And it doesn't mean that if they bowed he was excused from the task given to him by heaven ... the task to remain set apart.
Labels: Bible Reflection, Ethics
I agree with the whole 'set apart' ideal - in effect that we have to hold onto higher ethics - ethics that reflect the God we serve - that we live out in our daily lives which might mean not conforming (ex: Shadrach and his homies) but living on a 'higher plain' of beliefs. I find conformity quite troubling in society - sort of takes our minds away from us. But I think that relationship with God is very important. But I do have a small critique.
"consider the fact that Christ commanded his disciples to be perfect. When I reflect on my attitudes, my ingratitude, my double-mindedness and recall that Christ has called me to be literally perfect, my obligations seem to be very set apart." (BB)
I think the teaching on perfection is an unattainable goal - first off and can lead some to deter their faith rather than build it up (which seems to be inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus). I read that passage in Matthew and I think Jesus is pointing to a teaching about God - how God makes it rain and shine even on the un-godly - saying God is perfect in this - or cares about the whole of society. Jesus asks us to be that way also - so he says 'be perfect, like God is perfect'. Perfection seems to mean not overlooking anyone in society as someone less than or greater than the next one - we are all equals and God loves us all. If God does not forget the sinner then neither should we - this is perfection - being equal with another and no better.
Thanks for sharing your critique, SocietyVs.
Although I strongly disagree with you about whether our requirements are achievable I find an edifying aspect to it: God's command for us is to be so set apart that many people think it is impossible.
I do agree with you about the context: perfection is loving people who cannot repay you. At the same time, however, I would say it is also a measure of the quality with which one does it: perfectly.
Burning, I love your post on Mother Teresa. I wholeheartedly agree.
Sorry about the blog thing. I started it up, and two days later decided it wasn't a good idea. I have too many things I need to do here.
God bless you,
As for this post, I claim ignorance in regard to whether perfection in righteousness is possible for any or all of us believers in Christ.
Burning, if I understand you right, you're saying that unless this possibility is really there, there'd be no reason to strive for it?
Society, if I understand you right, you're saying that this is impossible because we are too sinful? And in addition, that if we believe it possible, we will end up living by works, and not grace?
Correct me, either of you, if I got this wrong.
The way that I see it is this: What is impossible for men is possible for God: even my perfect righteousness in action. It is clear that I cannot do this alone. I need God's help. In what ways I need his help, I do not know.
But aside from this, it is also clear in the NT that righteousness in action is not the point. At least, if we are to take Paul seriously. Righteousness is not found in action, but in faith. The dichotomy is so strong for Paul that we cannot assume that faith is an act. It is something prior to action... something very inward.
It is incredibly important to remember that we "are not under the law, but under grace." Grace always.
Now in light of that, assuming that Paul has it right, then we can ponder: "Be perfect." Society is right in pointing out the context... it is about love. And Burning is right to point out that the inward character of love is very important as well... to actually love, and not just act like you love.
Now when I read the gospels, I get this overwhelming impression: Jesus sets the standard extremely high, because it should be that high, but then is also aware of what this will do... people faced with this command can do nothing but humble themselves before God. And "he who humbles himself will be exalted." And either way you have it, impossible or possible, it is humbling. Let him who believes with all his heart that he can be perfectly righteous in works bythe help of God prove societyvs wrong.
But two things should never be forgotten. This is indeed a command, and with God, all things are possible
"Society, if I understand you right, you're saying that this is impossible because we are too sinful?" (SFD)
I don't think we are 'too sinful' - what I am pointing out is that a certain definition of perfection is not attainable...however in context of what Jesus says in Matthew it is attainable (equality and love for one another). Perfection as a definition is not something we can all agree on but within the Matthew context that perfection that Jesus teaches lines up with everything else Jesus teaches - 'be perfect as God is perfect' - falls right in line with 'love your neighbor as yourself' and 'do unto others' - which always creates equality when done honestly. It also makes us love our enemies and the 'sinners' that God also loves. Perfection as a definition for the follower of Jesus should be 'love you neighbor as you love yourself - or even - as God loves you'.
I once had a t-shirt that referenced Romans 12, saying, "Be different. Anyone can be like everyone else."
Religion has given us this false (I believe) notion that the perfection to which we are called is a system of personal piety, and I think that's missing the point. In the church where I grew up, being set apart to holiness was measured by the evils from which one refrained (smoking, drinking, dancing, language, pierced ears, women in pants), rather than the acts of love that one performed.
It's important to note that scripture also mentions that we "are being made perfect," implying that the perfection under discussion is not attainable by us, but imparted to us. Hebrews 10 even says that those who are "being made holy" have already been made perfect.
In all, I agree that we are to be perfect, and I think that perfection looks like the love of which Jesus spoke and which He commanded us to do to God and each other. If we are to judge ouselves (never each other) as to whether we are being so transformed, we must hold up our deeds to the light of Christ's commandment to love.
Good post.
Deep thoughts.
Unfortunately between the stomach flu and a midterm tomorrow, I haven't had a chance to check this website.
Thanks for commenting, guys. I'll give my response soon.
Thanks for stopping by. I agree with you that there are certainly a lot of more important things to do than writing posts for the world to see.
You had a lot of excellent appeals in your post -taking Paul seriously, recognizing that all things are possible with faith. There is something in your tone that is alive to me, and I like it.
You brought up the point that Paul isn't trying to get us to do a bunch of righteous acts in the external world. I disagree.
In my read of Paul, he is trying to provoke us to righteous action (in the external world), but it is indirect. His primary task is to introduce us to Jesus and to the Spirit. His method is to, "Clean the inside of the cup, and the outside will be clean as well".
This isn't to say everyone will recognize or appreciate a person's righteous acts. This just means that if a person has prepared their heart in devotion toward God, they will do righteous things.
Another New Testament text worthy of mentioning in this discussion is James. James says a certain man claims to have faith, but then he fails to love his neighbor. He then asks if such a faith can save him. It is the inward faith that saves -just as you say, Soul Food Dude, but if it is real it will show itself on the outside as well.
There is one passage in particular from Kierkegaard's journals where he makes it clear: although he appeals to 'inwardness' all the time he opposes the man who says he is saved and then lives a rotten life. Even if the man says his faith is too far "deep" to be recognized.
I believe Jesus made the same point when he noted that no one lights a lamp and hides it under a bushel. Jesus isn't saying to promote your righteous acts to people, but simply to do righteous acts -even though the most significant part (saving faith) is invisible in the heart of another person ... just like you say.
Again, thanks for stopping by.
"Be different. Anyone can be like everyone else."
I dig that quote. I was actually thinking about it when I woke up this morning. In college my friends who were in the honors program kept telling me, "Be an individual, just like everyone else." You can imagine how much I liked that one.
I think I might make the "be different" quote my signature quote for a week at work.
Your Hebrews 10 cite is insightful. I plan to check it out. I've been thinking a lot about how judgment works and I still have a lot of questions which I might share soon.
Thanks for commenting!
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