On Ghosts And Roles

When ghosts are depicted in stories and film, they often continue to do in death the same thing they did in life.
For example, if you visit the Haunted Mansion at DisneyLand, the last thing you see as you go up the escalator is a dead bride standing in her wedding gown. "Hurry back!" She calls out, as if you might miss her wedding.
It's almost like finding a husband was her only identity in life. When eternity stripped her of this task (for certainly the dead become like angels and do not marry and they do not give in marriage) there was nothing else to her. So she continued to wear the gown waiting for an infinitely delayed wedding.
An hour north of where I live there's an excellent magic show my wife and I attended once. The magician was a living, breathing human being, but the pianist was (in the story) a female ghost.
We read about her life on the back of the brochure. Her fiance had hunted foxes, and before he left on what was to be his last expedition she had told him she would sit at her piano and would not stop playing it until he returned.
The fiance had a hunting accident and passed away before he could return home. The young woman continued to play the piano until one day she passed away and (the legend says) she continued her sorrowful songs even in death.
I'm not into ghost stories. They tend to creep me out.
The frightful thing to me is the way the ghosts do not give up their roles. It's almost like they don't know who they are anymore and so they cling tightly onto their job perhaps because that's all there is to them.
"Without the mask, where will you hide?"
There is something about these ghost stories I can relate to. At times I wonder to myself, "What if I lose my job?. What if I don't get accepted to grad school? What if I do something my parents strongly disapprove of?"
These are all questions I have worried about or been tempted to worry over. And they are all role questions. The role of a husband to keep a good job. The role of a student to be accepted into a good school. The role of being a son.
But what about the role of being oneself? Or is that a role?
At the hour when death comes for a person, will they be able to accept themself as they are? Or will they cling tightly to the rules of their role?
When Jesus cast the demons out of a man among the Garasenes, the demons asked to be sent into a herd of pigs.
One could speculate why they made this strange request. Perhaps they desperately wanted to dwell inside something so they won't have to be all alone in who they were. Or perhaps I am mistakenly reading human behavior into the realm of unclean spirits ...
The unclean spirits often use any pretext they can find to be in a person's life. Jesus, on the other hand, stands at the door and knocks. On the one hand we have restless desperation in pursuit of an earthly goal. The other option is to recognize the choice one has in his or her short time on earth.
Jesus described the generation at the time of Noah as people who were marrying and giving in marriage and knowing nothing of what was going to happen to them. They were following their roles in search of distractions -unaware of the judgment waiting for them.
Ghost stories are often based on the lives of people who lived their lives in the words: "If I could just...". And to accomplish their aim they employ calculation, shrewdness, and often times anxiety.
But however often they tell themselves, "If I could just ...", there is one thing the unhappy spirits avoid: accepting themselves as they are. Unlike the world with its fleeting desires eternity asks very little: to love God and to love thy neighbor as thyself.
However urgent a task may seem in this life, it is far better to remember the task eternity has prepared for every person.
For example, if you visit the Haunted Mansion at DisneyLand, the last thing you see as you go up the escalator is a dead bride standing in her wedding gown. "Hurry back!" She calls out, as if you might miss her wedding.
It's almost like finding a husband was her only identity in life. When eternity stripped her of this task (for certainly the dead become like angels and do not marry and they do not give in marriage) there was nothing else to her. So she continued to wear the gown waiting for an infinitely delayed wedding.
An hour north of where I live there's an excellent magic show my wife and I attended once. The magician was a living, breathing human being, but the pianist was (in the story) a female ghost.
We read about her life on the back of the brochure. Her fiance had hunted foxes, and before he left on what was to be his last expedition she had told him she would sit at her piano and would not stop playing it until he returned.
The fiance had a hunting accident and passed away before he could return home. The young woman continued to play the piano until one day she passed away and (the legend says) she continued her sorrowful songs even in death.
I'm not into ghost stories. They tend to creep me out.
The frightful thing to me is the way the ghosts do not give up their roles. It's almost like they don't know who they are anymore and so they cling tightly onto their job perhaps because that's all there is to them.
"Without the mask, where will you hide?"
There is something about these ghost stories I can relate to. At times I wonder to myself, "What if I lose my job?. What if I don't get accepted to grad school? What if I do something my parents strongly disapprove of?"
These are all questions I have worried about or been tempted to worry over. And they are all role questions. The role of a husband to keep a good job. The role of a student to be accepted into a good school. The role of being a son.
But what about the role of being oneself? Or is that a role?
At the hour when death comes for a person, will they be able to accept themself as they are? Or will they cling tightly to the rules of their role?
When Jesus cast the demons out of a man among the Garasenes, the demons asked to be sent into a herd of pigs.
One could speculate why they made this strange request. Perhaps they desperately wanted to dwell inside something so they won't have to be all alone in who they were. Or perhaps I am mistakenly reading human behavior into the realm of unclean spirits ...
The unclean spirits often use any pretext they can find to be in a person's life. Jesus, on the other hand, stands at the door and knocks. On the one hand we have restless desperation in pursuit of an earthly goal. The other option is to recognize the choice one has in his or her short time on earth.
Jesus described the generation at the time of Noah as people who were marrying and giving in marriage and knowing nothing of what was going to happen to them. They were following their roles in search of distractions -unaware of the judgment waiting for them.
Ghost stories are often based on the lives of people who lived their lives in the words: "If I could just...". And to accomplish their aim they employ calculation, shrewdness, and often times anxiety.
But however often they tell themselves, "If I could just ...", there is one thing the unhappy spirits avoid: accepting themselves as they are. Unlike the world with its fleeting desires eternity asks very little: to love God and to love thy neighbor as thyself.
However urgent a task may seem in this life, it is far better to remember the task eternity has prepared for every person.
Burning, I'm having some trouble.
err... I didn't realize it would post. Hehe. That's not all I wanted to say. I wanted to say that I've been thinking a lot about just those two great commandments, and while it appears to me that I should be able to do the second just fine, I know that I can't without also doing the first.
And I'm having trouble with loving God. Because I'm having trouble believing in and trusting God. And that is because, well... I don't know exactly why, but for a long time I felt content saying to myself that my desire was enough to get me to believe. But it's not enough anymore. Mere desire isn't enough. I want to believe in God so badly, but I don't see him anywhere, and when I see my friends, all I see are people like me, hoping for the same thing, and when I look at nature outside, what I see are things that I hope -- oh, I do hope -- are messages from God. But then these things are thwarted by my recognition that this is all in my head. It's all my interpretation. At least with you, I have some good confidence that I'm talking to someone. Not the same when praying to God. I've never seen him write anything on a blog. Or if I have, then I wasn't made aware that it's him.
Great post BB, I am a little on the weird side and have taken to studying even the darker ideas of this life (ex: hauntings, exorcisms, horror movies, aliens, and ghosts) - I guess it's unknown factor that really scares the mind. However, the ghost thing and the way you see it - is quite the thing. I am big on the 2 commandments also - this is there I go to Jathan.
Jathan, I am in the same position as you with the 'loving God' part of that scripture. I really can't say I have seen God in a while - again I have been out of church and that community for a while to - but God is everywhere anyways. Just letting you know you are definitely not alone on this one.
I have come to see my experience this way: In the beginning - when I was getting to know God - it was like He was always there - or the presence was sensed (even had experiences). As time drew on and I got more knowledgable and grew in this faith (and sometimes out of it) I noticed that God was not as close I had once felt - the dynamic had changed. But I realize the dynamic has not changed at all - I think God had to lead us at the beginning and now we have to pick up what we know (as experienced learners) and be responsible for it - and do something kind with it.
I know God still loves me and all that - and the words/scriptures mean more to me as time draws on - but I also realize, like any parent - it's time to stand up and be responsible for the life you have been given. God cannot always hold the hand of the child - at some point the child must stand beside the father as a mutual friend. I can't answer why I never feel the sensed presence of God anymore - all I know is my relationship with God consists of the teachings in that book and that story - building a paradigm into my life. I don't pray much anymore - but I can't help but think (as a rational being also) - that God is there directing it all - and I don't understand or speculate to understand it - maybe others need that love more than me now.
However much you dislike the situation you are in, don't forget that you're not the only one. You describe a situation everyone has contended in, and -if not everyone- I atleast know how I have.
"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you".
I have found that faith comes from hearing the word of God. I am often amazed by how well the Bible searches me out in my inner thoughts and calls me on my shortcomings. It asks me what in my life is spiritual, and what is of the flesh.
Consider the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus appeals to all the evidence of God he can see in Jesus' life. This external evidence is meaningless to Jesus, because he responds: "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." The emphasis is not on the powers of the five senses, but on becoming a new person -a different perception altogether.
Physical eyes cannot see God.
When God reveals himself it is always on the inside of a person. According to Paul, the "guarantee" we have of our salvation is the Spirit living inside us. To paraphrase SK, our interestedness in spending eternity with God is the indication we will spend eternity with God, and it is precisely in the interestedness that the proof lies.
I believe this is what you are getting at.
You mention that you hope the things around you (the beauty of nature) are indications of God's work. On the other hand evil men claim they formed on their own without divine guidance. As Pascal once said, however bright an object may be there is always some amount of shadow to aid the doubters and some amount of light to encourage the believers.
You need to come to the place of decision where you either say, "I believe!" Or, "I doubt!". The 'evidence' cannot do this alone.
I recommend reading Genesis 22 and asking yourself if this is something that you believe was written by men. Or try reading the book of John or any one of the other gospels.
God is always present, Jathan, though it may take some training to hear His voice. When you are able to withdraw from the noise, restless distraction, and the deceitfulness of the crowd and just listen to the silence that was there in the beginning and will ever be -when you can be alone, and naked before God, when you are neither robed in lavish roles nor in the esteem of the public, then you will begin to hear His voice.
Faith is not like money in the sense that you can pass it around to whoever needs it. You must look inside and find it for yourself as God gives it to you.
I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
On a side note, I have to say I have missed your blog a great deal. Of course I understand you removing it (for certainly I myself don't intend to blog for the rest of my life). In the mornings I have often thought to myself, 'Where is that Soul Food Dude? Is he doing ok? I wonder how his marriage is going?'
Sorry for writing such a long comment! I hope you are able to discover for yourself that
No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him -
God bless you, Jathan!
Thanks you guys. This means a lot to me. Well, we'll see about the blog. All I know is that it was good that I stopped. But that may change.
Hi SocietyVs,
Thanks for stopping by.
I believe we are to grow into maturity as believers like you say. I'm still trying to figure out what it means to grow in this way and continue to be like a little child (in the way Jesus calls us to be).
"I'm still trying to figure out what it means to grow in this way and continue to be like a little child (in the way Jesus calls us to be)." (BB)
To be like a child again - to love back for no reason but to reciprocate what we recieved; to trust because it's such an inherent right; To treat others without the basis of race, sex, or anything else; basically to be knowledgeable about the troubles but to not kill ourselves with stress to accomplish them. I want to be child-like forever.
Souly Foody Dudey, we love ya bud - remember that - I know we never say stuff like that in blogs - but I really enjoyed your blog and the interaction with you. Keep in touch.
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