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The young man climbed into a row boat on a cloudy day and went out thirty yards into the ocean. Then he yelled out, “I’ve heard people talk about you! Ha! How deep could you be?”
The ocean said nothing, and in saying nothing it answered his question.
Anyone can consider himself an expert chef until he dines on his own cooking.
To be done with life before life is done with oneself is precisely what it means to fail one's duty.
Everyone is a philosopher, and there are only two philosophies. The first is the philosophy that love is enough all by itself. The second philosophy is that love is not enough all by itself.
The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
Proverbs 15:9
A selfish man may lose every other self, but the hypocrite has no self.
When the big bad wolf saw that the fourth little pig had grown more foolish than all his brothers, that he had become foolish in the foolishness which is wisdom, he said, 'Aye! There is nothing left for me in this!'. And he retired from his big bad ways.
On my way to work yesterday, I noticed Diogenes digging a hole. He stopped me and asked what I did for a living. After I explained it to him he laughed. "How is that any different from digging holes in the ground?". I suppose that cynical man would have responded that way to anything I could have told him, but it gave me a strange assurance. After all, how is my job any different from digging holes in the ground?
People at church on Sunday morning have three moods: true concern for their neighbor, true concern hidden beneath contempt for their neighbor, and true concern hidden beneath contempt hidden beneath smiles and friendly words.
Bitterness is wrong, and the punishment for bitterness is always bitterness.
Infinite resignation is that shirt in the old fable. The thread is spun with tears, bleached by tears, sewn in tears, but then it gives better protection than iron and steel. The secret in life is that everyone must sew it for himself.
Even in laughter the heart may ache,
And joy may end in grief.
Proverbs 14:13
There once lived a skeptic who was certain that there was no God to forgive his sins.
'I cannot be wrong on this matter' He thought to himself, 'Because I am so certain.' And he would not lift a finger to accept otherwise.
One day the skeptic died and was taken to judgment. 'You believed there was no God to forgive your sins, and look, according to your faith it has been given to you, for there is no God here who forgives your sins!'
The woman who wishes only for signs of affection, distains affection.
The generation that asks God for a sign, distains God.
Better to be late for every occasion in life, than to be late in occasioning to live.
The expedition at last found its success when the young archeologist entered the lost temple and opened the book containing the secret to finding happiness. When the archeologist tried to read the formula, the book vanished immediately.
The graduation of Adam and Eve: once they learned, they were forced to go. The true descendent of Adam and Eve is the scholar who is always on the go.
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